Helen Vonderheide


There has been so much growth in my practice over the last two years. I started working in the Akashic Records in the fall of 2014, and I became a certified teacher in 2015 through Linda Howe’s lineage. Now looking back, I always knew my practice would expand but I didn’t know when or how that would unfold. I now see this expansion has been happening all along.

There are so many parts to my journey; my initial entry point into the Akashic Records, previous Akashic training, starting the Akashic Community, Just Bee True 2 You, working with countless clients and students over the years, and my own personal development, growth, and education. What I found most important during this journey was simply listening. I listened so intently without even realizing what I was doing. When I was challenged to take action in a certain way that didn’t feel authentic, my guides would remind me to “listen.” And so, listening is what I did.

What emerged while listening is beyond anything that I could have ever imagined. I received the clarity to begin my personal journey as an Akashic Records teacher and to teach others to develop their own invocation. In the beginning, I held space to honor each person’s truth and authorship, and the creativity flowed. Bearing witness to this process was beyond gratifying. I would find myself saying if I left this earth tomorrow, I would leave so fulfilled and rich from the pure pleasure of affirming someone’s inner knowing. Then the creativity just kept pouring. I witnessed leaders emerge, people with the agency to lead their own lives. They were accessing an unconscious potential so deep inside of them, one they knew all along. As I listened, I could truly see the unknown potential within them come to life.

This journey is nowhere close to complete. In order for me to teach and guide others to their authentically aligned human and soul self, I recognized I needed to do the same. I needed to be true to myself, to BE me. Therefore, Just Bee True 2 You has become helenvonderheide.com. My practice is a reflection of my becoming. It exists because I listened to my family, clients, students, friendships, and relationships. And while listening to myself and humanity, I have been able to honor myself.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

~ Helen Keller