The Ontological Lenses



“As the Hindu sages who fashioned the Akashic concept realized, there are aspects of the human mind that are unlimited in space, therefore omnipresent, and that are also boundless in time, therefore eternal and immortal. Omnipresence and eternality are qualities that have always been attributed to the Divine – thus the Hindu aphorism Tat tvam asi, “Thou art that,” which affirms that we share qualities with the Godhead or the Absolute, however named.”

— Ervin László


Akashic Records

"Mystics and sages have long maintained that there exists an interconnecting cosmic field at the roots of reality that conserves and conveys information, a field known as the Akashic Record. Recent discoveries in vacuum physics show that this Akashic Field is real and has its equivalent in science’s zero-point field that underlies space itself. This field consists of a subtle sea of fluctuating energies from which all things arise: atoms and galaxies, stars and planets, living beings, and even consciousness. This zero-point Akashic Field is the constant and enduring memory of the universe. It holds the record of all that has happened on Earth and in the cosmos and relates it to all that is yet to happen."

— Ervin László


Source Consciousness

“The build-up of structure in the universe is what we call evolution. It started, as far as cosmologists know, with the Big Bang. Our science tells us this was 13.8 billion years ago. And that was the beginning of a continuing process. So, what we know of the universe, of the galaxies, all the planets, all forms of life, ourselves included, is that all are part of the continuing build-up of structure that started with the Big Bang. It started when the universe cooled sufficiently to allow semi-stable structures to form, as particles or quarks. And from this point onwards, the universe has kept evolving to higher and higher levels of structure and complexity. We humans are an expression of that build up. The world around us is another expression, manifestation of that process.”

“In the book, Reconnecting to the Source, as the title suggests, the challenge before us is to reconnect with the source, and the source is nature, it is the universe. If we become conscious of who and what we are, we will not separate ourselves from this harmony of oneness, but will embrace it and be elevated by it. All of us, all of the web of life on Earth, must come together to form the symphony of oneness. That is the purpose of our existence. It is our contribution to the world. When we use our mind, our spirit, our consciousness the natural way, the way they were born to be used, we will find our way to oneness in our family and community, on Earth, and in the universe.”

— Ervin László


“Decoloniality refers to the logic, metaphysics, ontology, and matrix of power created by the massive processes and aftermath of colonization and settler-colonialism. This matrix and its lasting effects and structures are called "coloniality." More plainly said, decoloniality is a way for us to re-learn the knowledge that has been pushed aside, forgotten, buried, or discredited by the forces of modernity, settler-colonialism, and racial capitalism. Decoloniality is a method and paradigm of restoration and reparation that depends on context, historical conditions, and geography. Therefore, as a method, it aspires to restore, elevate, renew, rediscover, acknowledge and validate the multiplicity of lives, live-experiences, culture, and knowledge of indigenous people, people of color and colonized people as well as to decenter hetero/cis-normativity, gender hierarchies, and racial privilege. We understand that producing knowledge and living it is not separate. We seek to learn and make visible the connections between knowledge, social practices, and social action.”

― William & Mary, a premier public research university


Empirical Validation

The validity that is based on results of observation and experimentation.

“Generally speaking, validation involves a judgment over the quality of a model. How good is model A? Is it better or worse than model B? A model can be good from a certain point of view and bad, or inadequate, from another one. Also, validation is not necessarily a 0–1 pass test: the criteria can be continuous.

The validity of a model can be defined as the degree of homomorphism between a certain system (the model) and another system that it purportedly represents (the real-world system). Model validation can be defined along different dimensions. Empirical validation is often the basis for theory validation – the validation of the theory relative to the simuland (the real-world system). Empirically validating an ABM means, broadly speaking, “taking the model to the data,” in the form of empirical and/or experimental data, historical evidence, or even anecdotal knowledge.”

Giorgio Fagiolo and Matteo Richiardi

Edited by Domenico Delli Gatti, Giorgio Fagiolo, Mauro Gallegati, Matteo Richiardi and Alberto Russo


Experience the existence of life through the ontological lenses of the Akash, Decoloniality, Empirical Evidence, and Soma.


  • ERVIN LÁSZLÓ : "Science and the Akashic Field ~ An Integral Theory of Everything"
  • DONNA J. HARAWAY : "Staying with the Trouble ~ Making Kin in the Chthulucene"
  • MICHAEL TALBOT : "The Holographic Universe ~ The Revolutionary Theory of Reality"